Sunday, May 31, 2020

5 Ways Your Employer Brand Impacts Recruiting

5 Ways Your Employer Brand Impacts Recruiting I recently had a conversation with a candidate that brought to mind the importance of employer brand when it comes to recruiting. As I usually do when I’m speaking with a candidate I asked him why he would entertain a new position. (Typically I deal with passive candidates so it is important to find their motivation). Of all the answers I receive to this question his really stuck out to me. He responded: “I was recently at a conference where one of your engineers delivered a presentation. I was so impressed by it that I knew your company would be one I would want to work with.” So because you went to a conference where one of my co-workers was presenting you are now open to taking my call? You can imagine my happiness when I heard this because this was a highly qualified candidate that my company would be lucky to employ. He could have easily shrugged away my attempt to reach out to him but he didn’t because he held my company (brand) in high regard. This is just one example of how your employer brand has an impact on recruiting, but there are a million more. As a result everyone in the company has a hand in building the employer brand. Whether it is that engineer at the conference or a disgruntled employee on Glassdoor; it’s easy to perpetuate the brand either positively or negatively. And I believe that starts internally. If employees enjoy where they work they are more likely to project those positive feelings into the world. Along with this and the company having a positive impact on their industry your employer brand will no doubt be viewed positively. Below I present 5 ways on how your employer brand can impact your recruiting efforts: 1) Attracting Candidates Along with situations like the one above, I also notice that my company receives a higher level of applications to our postings. As a recruiter who grew up on the agency side I know the downfall of relying on applications for quality candidates. However on the corporate side that is not the same case. Well qualified candidates see my employee name (brand) and are much more inclined to apply. 2) Call Backs In recruiting the hardest part isn’t finding the candidate, it’s getting the candidate to respond to your call. I can recall countless situations when I worked for a recruiting agency where I got someone on the phone and they immediately hung up on me or got disgruntled once I said where I was calling from. They would snap at me about a poor experience they had with another agency, or worse yet another person from my agency. I may have had the best job for them, but they’ll never know because of the preconceived notions they have of my brand. Like the situation I opened this article with, if your employer brand is a positive one it allows candidates to open up more freely. 3) Employee Referrals Employee referrals are key in recruiting. At the first agency I worked with they called it “good people know good people”.  And this is true. I have hired over 10 employee referrals in 2015 and all have worked out successfully and decreased recruiting times tremendously. Your employer brand includes how you treat your employees. When your employees are speaking highly about the company they work for in front of others it makes others intrigued to work for your company. Treat your employee’s poorly and your employer brand is viewed negatively. 4) Getting Those Passive Candidates The Holy Grail in recruiting seems to be passive candidates. Debate that topic if you want but you’ll get more people to agree than not. Like the situation above I was able to get this candidate who wasn’t looking to speak with me because of the way he viewed my company. Even when you aren’t actively looking you will still respond to job inquiries if they are good enough. Like me for example, if a recruiting agency sends me an email about a sales or recruiting job it goes right to the trash. However if Google or Apple come calling I will listen. I’m not looking to make a career change, but I am so impressed by their employer brands that I would at least take the call. And if you are a good recruiter you believe that all you need to do is get the candidate listening and you’ve got them. 5) Industry Longevity In our market places we probably all know those handful of companies that are just awful to work for. Whether it is their reviews on Glassdoor or the 5 people you know who worked there and all share the same poor experiences, we know those companies exist. If you become that company you will eventually start hiring from the bottom of the talent pool rather than getting those employees who will make a positive impact on the company. How long can companies like this exist? If you are constantly hiring the bottom of the talent pool it is only a matter of time until your company folds. Increasing your employer brand is all about how it benefits your company. Coming from a global, forward thinking telecommunications company I can tell you that we are always looking for the best and the brightest talent. The next person who is going to revolutionize our industry. While I realize this is not going to be the case for all hires, it can have a huge impact if you make even 1 â€" 2 of these hires per year. And that starts with how your brand is perceived in the market. Have a poor brand and you can forget about attracting the candidates who will make a positive impact.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

CPB Resume Writing Service - How to Use It

CPB Resume Writing Service - How to Use ItCPB resume writing service companies offer job seekers a way to build a strong resume that has all the necessary features that will get you noticed. By taking advantage of such services, you are able to get job interviews that will help you advance and move up the ladder. With the help of such services, you can make sure that your resume has the information that is required to get you hired for the job.A CPB resume writing service is a way to build a strong resume that has all the needed information on it. You may have needed this type of service before and so did they and so can you. This is the way in which your resume gets noticed by the employer and this is the time when you are able to show what you have to offer them. The hiring process takes place after the job interview is completed.There are many jobs out there and you need to get the job that you want, but you do not need to pay someone to do this for you. You can hire a company to take care of your resume for you and so can you. With the use of this service, you can be assured that your resume has all the information that is needed to get you noticed and your chance to get the job that you want.A CPB resume writing service is a way to build a strong resume that has all the needed information on it. You may have needed this type of service before and so did they and so can you. This is the way in which your resume gets noticed by the employer and this is the time when you are able to show what you have to offer them. The hiring process takes place after the job interview is completed.A CPB resume writing service is a way to build a strong resume that has all the needed information on it. You may have needed this type of service before and so did they and so can you. This is the way in which your resume gets noticed by the employer and this is the time when you are able to show what you have to offer them.A CPB resume writing service is a way to build a strong resume that has all the needed information on it. You may have needed this type of service before and so did they and so can you. This is the way in which your resume gets noticed by the employer and this is the time when you are able to show what you have to offer them. The hiring process takes place after the job interview is completed.A CPB resume writing service is a way to build a strong resume that has all the needed information on it. You may have needed this type of service before and so did they and so can you. This is the way in which your resume gets noticed by the employer and this is the time when you are able to show what you have to offer them. The hiring process takes place after the job interview is completed.A CPB resume writing service is a way to build a strong resume that has all the needed information on it. You may have needed this type of service before and so did they and so can you. This is the way in which your resume gets noticed by the employer and this is the time when you are able to show what you have to offer them.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Is Starting A Business A Smart Career Path To Go Down

Is Starting A Business A Smart Career Path To Go Down For many people, choosing the right career is a massive struggle. Finding your dream career path is one of the biggest decisions you’ll ever face. Take one wrong step, and you could find yourself stuck in a career that you hate and get no enjoyment out of. Bearing that in mind, today’s article will revolve around one career path in particular. As the title alludes to, we’ll be talking about whether or not starting a business is a smart career to opt for. Take a look at some of the thoughts on this topic down below: The Pros Starting a business has many pros and can be a lot better than many other career options you may find. Here are the main plus points of becoming a business owner: You’re In Charge The best thing about being a business owner is that you get to be in charge of everything. You’ll work for yourself rather than spend your career working for others. As such, you can get more enjoyment out of it as you’ll never deal with being bossed around by someone senior. Can Be Well-Paid As a business owner, you could earn a lot of money from your career. Of course, the defining factor will be how good and successful your business idea is. A good business idea can earn you more money than almost any other career you’re likely to consider. No Qualifications Needed Another huge pro of this career idea is that you don’t need any qualifications to pursue it. All you need is a dream, and idea, and a proper business plan.   As with everything in life, starting a business has cons as well as pros. Take a look at them right here: The Cons Requires A Lot Of Space Starting a business requires you to find somewhere to operate out of. Most people opt for renting an office, though some people choose to work from home. This is a bit of a con as other careers don’t require you to have as much space as a business might. Thankfully, there are things like a virtual mailbox service and virtual assistants that limit modern businesses from needing lots of office space. Can Cost A Lot Of Money Most other careers won’t cost you any money, but starting a business will. You’ll need to fund your startup and get it off the ground. When you take all the expenses into account, it can be a very expensive endeavour. Success Is Never Guaranteed The main problem with starting a business is that success is never guaranteed. Sure, you could earn big bucks and become a massive success. Or, you could sink and earn nothing and end up in a financial pickle. With other careers, you get paid a wage no matter what, so there’s more security with them. As you can see, there are pros and cons to starting a business and choosing this career path. For me, if you want a challenge and like to make it on your own, then it’s a great path to go down. If you need a secure job, then this is probably not the path for you. . Image credits. Main.  Working.  

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

A Guide Guaranteed To Land You Your Dream Job

A Guide Guaranteed To Land You Your Dream Job There aren’t many people out there who can honestly say they are in their dream job. You probably know a multitude of people who complain about what they do for a living. People think that as long as they are making money, nothing else matters. However, there are many people who would take less money, just so they could do something enjoyable for a living! This guide is guaranteed to land you your dream job. Take a look… Know What You Like And What You’re Good At Knowing both what you like, and what you are good at will help you to come up with a list of qualities you want your dream job to have. This is especially important if you have no idea of what your dream job is yet. Write down anything and everything you can think of, so that you can find the perfect job for you. A dream job should mean doing something you enjoy every day, as well as utilizing any other skills you have. This will give you the most job satisfaction! Build Up Your Skills And Weak Areas Start building up your skills and weak areas. You can do courses at colleges, online courses, and even use free resources online. You don’t always need a certificate or qualification, but it will depend on what your dream job is. By building up your skills and weak areas, you’ll be a stronger candidate for just about any interview you may get. Pay For A Professional CV Some people struggle to create a CV that’s worth reading, and different from the rest. There are now services you can pay for that mean you get a professional CV, outlining all of your achievements in the best way. It’s one less thing to stress about! Alternatively, you can use templates to help you create your own. Visualise and Affirm This might sound silly, but all of the most successful business people visualise and affirm. This means imagining what working in your dream job will be like, and feeling all of the feeling that come along with it. It means picturing yourself sat at your cool desk, drinking your fancy coffee, and feeling excited to start your day. Affirming means saying things in your head and outloud, and even writing them down that align you with what you want. Even if they aren’t quite true yet, this can help you to get to where you want to be, as you are reprogramming your brain! Get Up Early You might already get up fairly early, but some of the most successful people in the world jump out of bed at 5am and get ready to start their day. They exercise, take their time eating breakfast, read some self development, and even meditate! They might even take a look on a site like Job search bible. They have a strong morning routine that they love, which makes them excited to wake up, and helps them turn into the person they need to be to land their dream job. Whether you get your dream job or not in the future entirely depends on the things you’re doing now. If you’re not consistently working on yourself and your goals, you’ll only stay in the same place! Images: Main       Choices

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Writing Fiction on Resume - Is it a Viable Option?

Writing Fiction on Resume - Is it a Viable Option?Writing fiction on resume is no longer a taboo when it comes to writing a resume. Almost every applicant asks for the same piece of fiction as their resume.What most people do not realize is that there are writers who actually enjoy writing stories. In fact, writing stories is in the DNA of those who love the written word. In essence, you should be able to express yourself and if you can, it would be perfect.The obvious downside to write fiction on resume is that it is simply not true. You are still a professional with a resume, which means you have to produce original content. There is no point in being a fiction writer because your resume will simply be thrown out of the window.On the other hand, there are some writers who can write literary fiction very well. However, it is definitely one of the toughest genres. There is an art to developing characters, plotting and writing interesting plot lines, which require a good deal of skill .Most fiction writers would need to write fiction based in a real place to keep it believable and provide convincing details about locations. They also need to understand how to use their voice and convey information in different ways.When you think about it, writing fiction on resume may be a viable option for many fiction writers. Unfortunately, most writers would simply write factual resume information, including skills, education, work experience and professional experience. They could offer other activities like volunteering, community involvement, leadership roles and church or school activities.For example, you could be a creative writer but choose to write fiction to keep your skills relevant. In fact, fiction on resume could even be a great way to differentiate your experiences from others in your field. Overall, writing fiction on resume is not a good idea, however, there are writers who can write in this genre very well. It all depends on your personality and work ethic.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Resume Writing - Using Present Tense

Resume Writing - Using Present TenseAn essay, especially a resume, can easily suffer due to the improper use of 'present tense' in the format. Employers want to know what you've accomplished and what you're prepared to do for them. Present tense also gives your potential employer a sense of urgency.Avoid the use of present tense. Use past tense. Don't stress out about the present tense, just be confident and forward about the things you will do for them. Include an objective statement at the end of your resume.To avoid having your resume read as though it was written in the past tense, change up the verbs you use. Think about how it would sound if you were to describe someone in the present tense. While present tense may be grammatically correct, it doesn't sound natural.Don't, for example, refer to someone in the past tense. You might want to take the person's age into account, or they might be fifty-five years old and still working at the same company. While your resume is still cu rrent, it doesn't sound like it is when you mention someone's age. If you have other information that shows the person is young, then use 'young.'Instead of writing 'He graduated from high school,' instead talk about someone's 'high school experience.' Using the present tense can cause your resume to sound dated. How does one get to college without attending a high school?You'll find the easiest way to avoid the use of present tense is to use past tense. Some tips for doing this include:Your sentence structure is important too. Some writers prefer to use one single word or a sentence structure that is similar to that of the English language. These writers often include multiple synonyms for 'have' to address any issues with using a singular noun.You don't need to be an English major to create a resume that has no use of the present tense. If you feel like writing like a native English speaker, write from the perspective of an individual that experiences the circumstances you are des cribing. If you use the present tense, it will certainly look awkward.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Does your resume say the magic word How to best utilize keywords for resume success

Does your resume say the magic word How to best utilize keywords for resume success 0 Flares 0 Flares How many times have you seen/heard this response after applying for a job, Thanks for your interest in XYZ, we will review your resume and get back to you if this position, or others in the future match your qualifications?   My guess is youve received this response more than once, and I bet each time you bring yourself closer and closer to shoving your bright yellow, #2 pencil, deep into your ear.  What really drives you super nutty banana party is not the canned response, but knowing in your heart that youll never, absolutely never hear from that company again.  OK, well you can relax and put the pencil down Corn Heads.  Kristi Daeda has a suggestion which may just have company XYZ calling you faster than you can sayKEY WORD! On Monday night I found myself reading an interesting post on  Career Adventure, a blog by Kristi Daeda. In this particular post, Daeda writes on the importance of planting key words into a resume, which will help bring attention to you from a phantom source.  Whats this phantom you ask?  You win, Ill tell you!  Its the resume database, in most cases an Applicant Tracking System (ATS).  An ATS can be a recruiters best friend, or worst enemy.  This depends heavily on features provided by the ATS, as well as how easy the program is to use.  So, what does an ATS, or resume database mean to you as a candidate?  Basically the same thing, but as Daeda writes in her article, if you build a resume with strategically placed keywords, then an ATS has a much higher possibility of becoming your best friend!  Click here for more information on Applicant Tracking Systems. Daeda believes that each resume is written for three audiences: Recruiter Hiring Manager Resume Database or ATS Its likely that you havent thought about, or put much emphasis on writing your resume to be an ATS gold mine, and thats OK.  Like Daeda, I believe that resumes should absolutely always target the recruiter and hiring manager first and foremost, but put in some time to update your resume with keywords specific to your industry or position.  Doing this will make your resume easy for the recruiter to find when they later look through their applicant tracking system, or resume database. Daeda explains the following about resume keywords in her article: What are keywords? Specific nouns and phrases that youve undoubtedly seen on job postings when conducting your search.  Daeda explains, These words refer to your background and experience. What are some categories of keywords? Some listed categories are Certifications, Education, Industries, Techniques and Training, and Technologies.  Click here to view Daedas full list of categories. Make yourself a healthy list of resume keywords by going through job postings of your desired position.  Try to include words for as many categories as you can. How to effectively insert keywords throughout the resume In my opinion, the greatest tip Daeda offers is to make sure your resume still reads naturally, like normal human writing.  Take her advice, I dont want my Corn Heads sounding/looking like Johnny 5 from Short Circuit. Yes, thats a video clip from the movie.  I couldnt resist.  See her article for more tips on how to insert keywords into your resume. Click the link below to read all of Daedas tips on resume keywords:

Friday, May 8, 2020

Does Your Resume Reflect Burnt Bridges

Does Your Resume Reflect Burnt Bridges You have applied to the most important job of your executive career. This is the job you have been working towards for years. You have done everything right. Then, you find out you are passed over because a reference on your shiny new executive resume came back in a bad light. What? How could that be! You forgot all about the confrontation you had a few years back with a supervisor that you just could not get along with. Words were exchanged and you quit abruptly. At the time, you were not worried about it as you got a better job within a week. Now, its come back to haunt you. Hindsight is golden, so the saying goes. If we could see into the future at the time we make mistakes, we wouldnt make those mistakes, right? Right. But we cant, so we burn bridges that we shouldnt. Its very important not to burn bridges in any job, but especially if you are climbing the ladder to an executive position. It will return to haunt you because no employer wants someone who is hotheaded and cannot control themselves. Be sure your executive resume is not going to have burnt bridges popping out when you least expect it. If the position has to be on your resume, then be sure to speak with the company that you had the conflict with and make sure they are willing to give you a good reference. Many times they will, as long as you are taking the right steps to work through it. Additionally, speaking with a resume writing service and getting counseling from them on how to proceed will go a long way in helping with your executive resume and you during the interview process.